Vanessa Naja

Human Design Readings

I offer a variety of readings to support you on your journey.

Whether you're brand new to Human Design and this is your first reading, or you're ready to dive into more advanced areas of your chart, your relationships, your career or your emotional intelligence potential, I've got you.

Scroll to find the reading that speaks to you. I look forward to supporting you on your journey.

Individual Readings

If you're brand new to Human Design, this is the place to start. Learn about your design and get your questions answered in thisi 55-minute virtual reading conducted over zoom. You'll also get a recording of the reading to refer to as often as you wish.

Follow Up Readings

Do you want to dive deeper or go over more advanced aspects of your chart? Book a follow up reading (55-minutes). You'll also get a recording of the reading to refer to as often as you wish.

You can also use this reading type for life cycle analysis.

Follow Up Readings

Do you want to dive deeper or go over more advanced aspects of your chart? Book a follow up reading (55-minutes). You'll also get a recording of the reading to refer to as often as you wish.

You can also use this reading type for life cycle analysis.

Relationship Readings

Do you want a better understanding of your relationship with your loved ones? This is the reading for you. We'll go over how your energy connects with the energy of one other person. This can be a family member, colleague or other loved one. (you'll need their birth details). You'll learn where the relationship is naturally strong, as well as where the challenges may lie. Having awareness of these energy dynamics can be incredibly healing for your relationships. This is a 90-minute reading which you can have on your own or with the other person present. It's helpful to already have a base understanding of your chart in order to get the most out of the reading.

BG5 Career Design Overview

This session gives you on overview of how you're designed to operate in business. You'll receive a foundational understanding of how you can use your specific gifts, talents and attributes that you're here to share with the world. We will cover your Career Design Type, Your Personal Interaction Style, Decision Making Strategy, Key Indicators that let you know when you're on track or not, your assimilation style (how you assimilate new information) and what the best working environment is for you. You'll receive a detailed document with all of your information and a recording of the call. This is a 90-minute session.

Career Design Overview

This session gives you on overview of how you are designed to operate in business. We'll cover your Career Design Type, Your Personal Interaction Style, Decision Making Strategy, Key Indicators that let you know when you're on track or not, your assimilation style (how you assimilate new information) and what the best working environment is for you. This is a 90-minute session. This meeting is recorded for you and you'll also receive a PDF that covers everything we went over.

Emotional Intelligence Program

Gain a deep understanding of your own unique emotional makeup in this one of a kind program. Understanding the wisdom of your emotional system helps you with self love and acceptance, improved relationships, emotional and mental wellbeing, better results in your career and more.


Feedback from my Clients, Customers and Students

Krystal William – 1/3 Somatic Therapist, Projector

Vanessa’s mentorship has made a huge difference in my life. She’s taught me so much about my own design. Before working with Vanessa, I was often hard on myself: judging, pathologizing, and forcing myself into societal structures. Since learning about my design, I give myself much more permission. I am more myself in relationships with others and have healthier relationships in all areas of my life. Since working with Vanessa, I navigate my life in ways I never had before. I have so much more trust in my own process and timing and am in greater flow of cocreation with the Universe. Anyone who works with Vanessa will surely experience the benefits of what she has to offer. The world is certainly a better place because she is here, following her callings and sharing it with us all.

Sanna Atherton – Acupuncturist, 5/1 Projector

I've had several Human Design readings with Vanessa and I have become aware of an ease in applying what I know to myself. I have become aware of a better level of understanding and compassion for myself and a deeper acceptance of my quirks and the way my energy works. I’m not so demanding of wishing to be a certain way, because I now better understand my energy makeup and I’m better able to work with it. I would absolutely recommend some time spent on your Human Design with Vanessa. She’s quite the exceptional coach and facilitator of finding a better relationship with self, which ultimately then flows over to your relationship with others.

Kirsten Book – Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, 1/4 Generator

I am so grateful to learn about Human Design. Vanessa is an amazing teacher and the gentle, patient way she introduces and explains my specific design has turned my life around for the better. I am not swimming up hill and struggling anymore, but I am learning to trust my sacral response and intuition. Thank you Vanessa for the patient and loving way of introducing me to Human Design. Your aura is so peaceful and refreshing.

Jill Hoffman - 4/6 Projector

Vanessa is an amazing guide who leads you into the untouched spaces of your heart. She compiles your Human Design chart and can
tell you why you do and feel the way you do
. When she determines your personality type by looking at your chart she not only advises you on those traits but also applies other aspects of your personalized chart to offer suggestions on how to make your life more successful, profitable and peaceful. She makes sense of your habits and offers the tools and suggestions to better live out your best life. I highly recommend taking this journey with her as she is a wise and seasoned travel companion who will guide you with love and compassion.

Clover Lewis - Women's Personal Style Coach, 2/4 Manifesting Generator

I’ve had several Human Design readings with Vanessa and
what I found so amazing about it and what kept me coming back for more is the degree of accuracy. Human Design really highlights my inner world and the way in which I interact with the outer world. I now know so much more about the way in which I interact emotionally and when best to look after my needs and setting clear boundaries of looking after my needs before interacting with other people.
That alone has already made my relationship with my husband a lot more harmonious. I can absolutely say Vanessa lives, breathes and loves Human Design. How she transmits the information is very engaging, really interesting and quite easy to understand. She’s great at explaining a difficult concept in a way that is easily digestible. Having a Human Design reading helps you really know yourself, be a better communicator and have more compassion for yourself and others.

Jessica Louise – Women’s somatic healing, transformation and empowerment guide, 2/4 Manifesting Generator

Human design with Vanessa has really allowed me to have more clarity into where I should be focusing my energy and attention within my personal and professional life. It’s allowed me to really connect to my inner wisdom on a much deeper level and has allowed me to really trust myself. Human Design has given me a new level of self understanding. It puts tangible terms and words to things that I already felt intuitively about myself in a way that really helps me to accept myself in a way that I haven’t been able to before. I would highly recommend Vanessa for Human Design readings. She really knows her stuff and is hugely passionate about what she does.

Giana Sell - Permanent Makeup Artist 2/4 Generator

Vanessa is so spot on with her Human Design reading. A lot of the the information about my chart was new to me. However, most of what I heard felt like I already knew somehow… I just needed to hear from somebody else, to reassure me what my subconscious already knew. As a business owner and human, life can get a little overwhelming with the amount of decisions we have to make. Human Design has taught me to trust myself, the answers lie within.

Salomie Lawrence - Fine Artist, 2/4 Manifestor

What struck me was how closely this resembled me, I could literally see myself. It is like I was designed and this is my manual
...but you knew that!!

I am taken aback and reassured that I'm not deficient, I just need clarity and rest!! The report contained so many explanations and felt deeply personal

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